so powerful, Grace! Over here letting cracks of light through too. (thank you for the mention! xo!)

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Absolutely friend. Thank you for your work. So grateful for you.

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Sep 5Liked by Grace E. Kelley

I’m tired. I’m old. I’ve been waking up to this news since I

was eleven years old. Other terrible happenings. I haven’t got much left. My heart hurts for their hearts.

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I can only imagine Susan. Sometimes it really does feel like the darkness wins.

But I cling to the hope that it doesn't. And that it will not always be this way. Holding space for the grief in your heart and in theirs today.

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Sep 5Liked by Grace E. Kelley

As always Gracie, grateful 🥲

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Tragedies and dark days cry out for remembering that though the heart of mankind is desperately wicked, God can change the most foul heart into His redeemed child.

So, for me, I seek His light through the Word, through the quiet beauty of a stream in the forest, through music that lifts my heart and through lament and prayer for those who have suffered great loss and are grieving.

And I pray for the perpetrator, who will live with the guilt of his act for the rest of his life.

I pray he will repent and receive forgiveness through the grace of Jesus-that good will triumph over evil. We live in a broken world filled with broken people in need of a Savior.

But God, being rich in mercy… Ephesians 2:4-10

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